20 Hammond Street, Port Jervis, NY 12771
The primary responsibility of the Assessment Office is to maintain equitable assessments and authorize property tax exemptions. The Assessor is required to administer the assessment roll in accordance with New York Real Property Tax Law, the City Charter, and Rules and Regulations promulgated in the New York State Board of Real Property
Questions about your assessment of your exemptions: First step please see me. Feel free to stop in my office to discus your questions or concerns. If I am unavailable, an appointment will be scheduled for a time that is mutually convenient. If you receive a letter, form, or questionnaire in the mail about your assessment, exemptions, or deed, and you have concerns; please give me a call or bring the form to confirm it came from my office.
The City of Port Jervis has not had a reassessment since 1989!
We will gladly review your assessment and property records with you and make any necessary adjustments. It's what we do!
Again, contact the Assessor's office and we will advise you how to do that.
2024 Level of Assessment: 25%
Important Dates in the Assessment Cycle
March 1st / Taxable Status Date: Deadline for filing exemption applications. Real property shall be determined according to its condition as of this date and valued as of Valuation Date.
May 1st / Tentative Assessment Roll: Available for public review online and in the Assessor's Office.
4th Tuesday in May / Grievance Day: Board of Assessment Review meets to hear all properly filed complaints.
July 1 / Final Assessment Roll Filed: The assessed value for each property on the final roll is used for tax purposed for the next year.
Dear Property Owner(s):
If you are buying residential property and you plan to make it your primary residence, you may be entitled to school tax relief through the New York State STAR credit. To receive this credit you must register with the NYS Tax Department after you have taken title to the property. To register or to get more information visit the website at http://www.tax.ny.gov/star or call (518) 457-2036. Do not file an application for STAR exemption with the Assessor's Office. School tax relief is now provided to new applicants through the STAR credit.
FORMS / APPLICATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS: All available in the Assessor's Office
Frequently requested forms are on this site for your convenience. All applications / forms must be submitted to the Assessor's office with required information and original signatures and proof of identification.
Change of Address Form (revision 5.3.17)
Clarifying Change of Address
City of Port Jervis adopted a Local Law on 0/24/2014 to allow an Exemption on City Taxes for Capital Improvement to Residential Buildings
Property must be one or two family: Not necessarily owner occupied. Reconstruction, alteration or improvements was commenced subsequent to the effective date of the local law (6/23/2014).
421f Residential Improvement Application
Application for tax exemption for capital improvements to residential property
421f Residential Improvement Information
Explanation of requirements for tax exemption on capital improvements to residential property
421f Residential Improvement Instructions
Instructions for applying for tax exemption on capital improvements to residential property
Business Investment Exemption:
Commercial and Industrial facilities that are constructed, altered, installed or improved may be eligible for a partial exemption from taxation. See instruction sheet and application (RP 485-b) for details.

RP 485-b Business Exemption Instruction Sheet

RP 485-b Business Exemption Application
RP 467 Application for Senior Citizens Exemption
Application for Senior Citizen Applying for Partial Tax Exemption from Real Property Tax
Senior Citizen Exemptions - (Annual Gross Income less than $37,400)
RP 467 Instructions for Senior Citizens Exemption
Instructions for Senior Citizen Applying for Partial Tax Exemption from Real Property Tax
(Renewal applications will be mailed)
Veteran's Exemptions
Alternative Veterans Exemption
RP 458 Application for Alt Veteran Exempt
Application for Veterans Exemption from Real Property Tax
RP 458 Instructions for Alt Veteran Exempt
Instructions for Veterans Applying for Exemption from Real Property Tax
Cold War Veterans Exemption
Any complaints in relation to assessments, written application of any person believing themselves to be aggrieved. A publication containing procedures for contesting an assessment (RP-524) is available.
It is imperative that a fully completed RP-524 complaint form with all supporting documentation be submitted by the 4th Tuesday in May. If you prefer to have your complaint heard in person you will have to request to schedule an appointment when filing your paperwork.
The Board of Assessment Review is scheduled to meet on the 4th Tuesday in May between the hours of 2:00pm to 4:00pm and between the hours of 6:00pm to 8:00pm, at 20 Hammond Street; Port Jervis, New York. If the Board of Assessment Review requires an appointment you will be contacted to schedule one.
May 28,2024 is the LAST DATE FOR FILING ASSESSMENT GRIEVANCE COMPLAINT** Where a complaint is filed within three (3) business days preceding such hearing, the Board of Assessment Review shall grant an Assessor's request for an adjournment to permit the Assessor to prepare a response to the complaint.
Submit five (5) copies of complaint
Non-Homestead / Commercial Grievances are subject to the City's Local Law No 14 of the year 2017, entitled "Income and Expense Statements." Accordingly, the petitioner (or petitioner's representative) is required to submit to the Assessor's Office not later than seven (7) days after filing a grievance copies of the most recent income and expense statements as per the terms and conditions outlined in the attached Local Law.
Hours of Operation: 8:30am - 4:30pm for processing paperwork
Description: The primary responsibility of the Assessment Office is to maintain
equitable assessments and authorize property tax exemptions.
Contact Person: Teresa Spradling
RP524 Grievance Complaint Form
Form to Contest Real Property Assessment
RP524 Grievance Instruction Sheet
Explanation of criteria and process for Contesting Real Property Assessment

Local Law 14-2017 Income and Expenses Law for Grievances
Law explaining the need to submit income and expenses for Grievance of Assessment