Our Community
Port Jervis is an urban cluster located along the shores of the Delaware River. The community contains many turn-of-the century buildings and ample outdoor public spaces.

Brief History
Port Jervis, New York, also known as the River City and the Gateway to the Upper Delaware River is a small city located at the junction of three states, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
It has served as a transportation center for hundreds of years, first as a stop on the Old Mine Road, the first 100-mile road in America, then as a port on the Delaware and Hudson Canal and finally as a division center for New York and Lake Erie Railroad. It still serves as a regional center as the area’s major roadways pass through or near it.
In many ways we are still a traditional small town that you may have grown up in in the 1950s or 1960s. We still celebrate Arbor Day, Flag Day and read the Declaration of Independence on July 4th. We remember our veterans on Veteran’s Day and Memorial Day and have a wonderful Fireman’s parade in early July each year. We also have a Halloween parade, a Christmas parade and a Christmas tree lighting ceremony.
Port Jervis is a historic town, but also looks to the future, as the city continues to evolve, so do the opportunities We hope you will visit us or locate your business here or perhaps even move here. Whatever your goal we hope you enjoy your time in Port Jervis.
Our web page is designed with several purposes in mind. We want to introduce you to our elected officials, both locally and regionally, to our city’s departments, boards and commissions.
As our City continues to change
Finally, if I can be of any help, please call me at (845) 858-4017 or e-mail me at mayor@portjervisny.gov. It is the goal of this administration to make our city great again and we need your help to do that.
Mayor Dominic Cicales

Open Space
Port Jervis contains more than 2200 acres of open space that is accessible to the public. This includes multiple uses from swimming, to biking and hiking.
Safe Streets
The Police Department constantly patrols our city's four wards that also includes bike patrol and foot post. Neighbors watching out for Neighbors and the motto "If you see something, say something" is encouraged. Contact the Police at 845-856-5101 if you see something in your neighborhood that just doesn't seem right.
Despite being in a rural setting, the streets of Port Jervis are incredibly safe and walkable to its' inhabitants. Residents can walk from their home to various food establishments and parks and playgrounds.
Riverfront Access
The Delaware River has two public access points in the city. West End Beach located at the end of Ferry Street has parking. The other location is Riverside Park at the end of 4th Street. The river is only accessible here by walking into the park and to the river.